Registration Guide

Date created

Thu, 13/02/2025 - 02:27

Please read the following warnings in detail BEFORE using the registration guide. 

The new Undergraduate Education Regulation of our university has been published in the Official Gazette and is now in effect. The new regulation can be accessed at: 

  • Petitions for course enrollment and section changes that do not involve ME4xx courses will be accepted until Friday evening of the registration week. No petitions will be accepted after this deadline. Petitions for changes that involve ME4xx courses will be accepted until Friday evening of the first week of classes.
  • Students submitting a section change petition due to a schedule conflict must ensure that the requested change does not create another conflict. If the requested change results in a new conflict, the department chair will prepare a revised schedule without conflicts, and the student will be assigned to appropriate sections accordingly.
  • If a section change request is based on a course taken outside the department, such changes will be reviewed after the ADD/DROP period. If a student drops the conflicting course after ADD/DROP and no longer has a scheduling conflict in their initial program, their section change request will not be approved. 
  • You can access the Undergraduate Registration Guide as a PDF here.
  • You can access the Graduate Registration Guide as a PDF here.