Code of Ethics

Date created

Wed, 03/10/2018 - 12:11

The mission of the department aims to educate engineers who are sensitive to environmental issues and the benefits of the society at large; respect others, and are aware of the importance of ethics in their professional and personal lives.

Therefore, students are expected to know the academic code of ethics and should behave according to these principles. The students are expected to behave in accordance with the following ethical values:

  • Students must do all the work on their own.
  • Students must not cheat or deceive the academic and administrative staff.
  • Students must not help others to cheat or deceive the academic and administrative staff.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Plagiarism:

Using ideas or words of other people without crediting the source as if they are of their own (*). The following actions are regarded as plagiarism:

  • Using printed or internet sources without reference,
  • Copying sections from different sources (e.g. "copy-paste") without quotation and reference,
  • Using a source by making revisions without reference.

(*) Adapted from METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

2. Cheating:

Includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Providing information to or receiving information from others in the exams,
  • Using unauthorized material or information in the exams (such as: writing information (formula, text, etc.) on calculators and furniture; writing additional information on authorized sources such as tables and books in open-book exams),
  • Working with other students in homework assignments, projects or reports where teamwork is not allowed (Working together is limited to brainstorming and checking results only. The "effort" in the homework, project or report should completely belong to the student.),
  • Submitting homework, projects, summer practice reports, or laboratory reports taken partially or entirely from others or from a source (book, internet, paper, etc),
  • Submitting homework, projects, summer practice reports, or laboratory reports taken partially or entirely from a previously graded work.

3. Deception:

Includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Attending a lab session, or taking an exam in place of another student; or letting someone else attend a lab session, or take an exam in place of one's own,
  • Signing an attendance sheet for another student; or letting someone else sign an attendance sheet for oneself,
  • Altering any experimental data,
  • Providing unused sources as reference.

Violations of the academic code of ethics may result in disciplinary actions, ranging between a "Warning" and "Dismissal from the University".
