All Announcements

Government incentives promotion days will be held on March 6-7, 2025, at Ankara ATO Congresium.
Research assistant position announcement with an application deadline of January 17, 2025.
New Year's Celebration
A seminar on improving dimensional accuracy, strength, and thermal properties through internal structure design in additive manufacturing.
Prof. Dr. Barbaros Cetin 6/12/2024 Cuma günü saat 14:30'da Mikro-kanallarda biyo-parçacık hareketinin modellenmesi üzerine bir seminer verecektir
As part of our Research Days, Prof. Dr. Barbaros Cetin will deliver a seminar on Friday, December 6, 2024, at 2:30 PM. The seminar will focus on modeling the motion of bio-particles in microchannels
Seminar on 5th-generation aircraft and aerodynamic design by Dr. Göktuğ Koçak, 22/11/2024, Friday, 2:30 PM.
Seminar on the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the automative, aviation, and defense sectors
Geogebra for engineers
The first seminar as part of the METU Mechanical Engineering Department Research Days will be given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Karakus on Friday, November 1st at 2:30 PM in E200
The article titled "Autonomous tracking of honey bee behaviors over long-term periods with cooperating robots," co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Emre Turgut, has been published in "Science Robotics," one of the most prestigious journals in the field.
2022-2023 Academic Year Graduate Thesis Awards
New appointments
On ODTÜ Day held on May 31, 2024, our employees who have been serving our university for many years have received service certificates
Turan Kalender emekli oldu ve Turan Başkan Hizmet Ödülü aldı
