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All Announcements
Government incentives promotion days will be held on March 6-7, 2025, at Ankara ATO Congresium. |
Research assistant position announcement with an application deadline of January 17, 2025. |
New Year's Celebration |
A seminar on improving dimensional accuracy, strength, and thermal properties through internal structure design in additive manufacturing. |
Prof. Dr. Barbaros Cetin 6/12/2024 Cuma günü saat 14:30'da Mikro-kanallarda biyo-parçacık hareketinin modellenmesi üzerine bir seminer verecektir |
As part of our Research Days, Prof. Dr. Barbaros Cetin will deliver a seminar on Friday, December 6, 2024, at 2:30 PM. The seminar will focus on modeling the motion of bio-particles in microchannels |
Seminar on 5th-generation aircraft and aerodynamic design by Dr. Göktuğ Koçak, 22/11/2024, Friday, 2:30 PM. |
Seminar on the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the automative, aviation, and defense sectors |
Geogebra for engineers |
The first seminar as part of the METU Mechanical Engineering Department Research Days will be given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Karakus on Friday, November 1st at 2:30 PM in E200 |
The article titled "Autonomous tracking of honey bee behaviors over long-term periods with cooperating robots," co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Emre Turgut, has been published in "Science Robotics," one of the most prestigious journals in the field. |
2022-2023 Academic Year Graduate Thesis Awards |
New appointments |
On ODTÜ Day held on May 31, 2024, our employees who have been serving our university for many years have received service certificates |
Turan Kalender emekli oldu ve Turan Başkan Hizmet Ödülü aldı |
Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara